The tiktok ban was never about our safety from our information being taken or any of that sort, its because it was starting to have to much power. People were realizing that America and the government and supreme court isn't all glitter and sparkles. So its a ploy to have control. I am genuinely devastated about this but I hope someone even if its … Read More
Türk Kurtulu? Sava?? s?ras?nda ve sonras?nda bu kolordular ve Kuvâ-yi Milliye birlikleri TBMM taraf?ndan düzgün hale getirilerek ça?c?l Türk ordusunun temelleri at?kt?r. Kurtulu? Sava?? modern Türk ordusunun ye?inld??? ve kazand??? ilk sava? ikrar edilebilir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kuruldu?unda bu ordular yeni bir binaland?rmayla Türk Silahl?… Read More